
Julie Ryan | Medical Intuitive on Ghosts, Angels, The 12 Phases of Transition, Energy Healing and more…

"Doctors send their patients to me - I'm like a human MRI!" Julie Ryan is a Medical Intuitive, Psychic, Serial Entrepreneur, Inventor, Energy Healer, Author, and Host of the Ask Julie Radio Show She can sense what medical conditions and illnesses a person has,...

Elizabeth April | The Galactic Federation, Ascension, Remote Viewing, Rare ET Species, and more…

"You're not dying, you're just waking up" - Elizabeth April I'm so excited to have Elizabeth April on the podcast! When I started having recurring dreams of crop circles and UFO's, Elizabeth April (EA) was one of the first people I found on that explained clearly and...

Michael and Jamie Thornhill | Plant Teachers, Soul Blueprints, Spirit Teams, and more…

"Plants are here on this planet on purpose, in symbiosis with humans" - Jamie Thornhill Michael and Jamie Thornhill are my guests today on the podcast. Michael is returning for his second appearance and his wife Jamie also joins us! They are the founders of Casa...

Rebecca Rusch | Mountain Biking The Ho Chi Minh Trail – Healing, Empowerment, Evolution, and more…

"The trail is my teacher. My path is clear when I am out there" - Rebecca Rusch When I saw Rebecca Rusch's Emmy-winning film, Blood Road, -about her trip to be the first person to ride the entire 1,200-mile length of the Ho Chi Minh Trail - I instantly felt connected...