Michael and Jamie Thornhill | Plant Teachers, Soul Blueprints, Spirit Teams, and more…

michael and jaime thornhill at the derek loudermilk show

“Plants are here on this planet on purpose, in symbiosis with humans” – Jamie Thornhill

Michael and Jamie Thornhill are my guests today on the podcast. Michael is returning for his second appearance and his wife Jamie also joins us! They are the founders of Casa Galactica, a retreat center in the Sacred Valley of Peru.

Michael is a curandero, professional channel, and trauma informed multidimensional healer.

Jamie is an Intuitive and Medium, which means she utilizes her multi-sensory abilities to see beyond the visible, physical world and into the subtle energies that surround us at all times.  She is also an Assistant Healer, trained in the Noya Rao lineage of Shipibo curanderismo.

In the last interview we were able to sample Michael’s channeling skill, and in this interview, Jamie shares with use some of her abilities as an intuitive.

We will also go deep into understanding different types of healing and ways that people can work with plants as teachers – it doesn’t have to be psychedelic.


“Plants are here on this planet on purpose, in symbiosis with humans” – Jamie Thornhill

“Ayahuasca opens a portal to the interdimensional realm” – Michael and Jamie Thornhill

“Learn to be quiet and connect with the plant as a teacher” -Michael and Jamie Thornhill

“You can connect to plant spirits in your daily life” -Michael and Jamie Thornhill

“Suffering also has intelligence and love in it” -Michael and Jamie Thornhill

“You are the captain of your own journey here on earth” -Michael and Jamie Thornhill

Continue the adventure:

Casa Galactica

Redlands Psychologists

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