Five Minute Friday: It’s Easier to be Epic than Average

It’s easier to be epic than it is to be average.

I want to tell you that it is easier to be world class, it’s easier to do big, challenging, and amazing things than it is to simply be average.

Look at people like Richard Branson. They jump out of an airplane before breakfast, and then they make a billion dollars. They make it look fun and easy- that could be what it would be like for you too!

Because of our school system, we are all trained to simply know how it takes to pass. As a result, you think inside of the box– one that was set by other people for you. Until you start thinking outside the box, you’ll never start thinking outside of the box.

When you start thinking bigger and taking on much bigger challenges, you’re going to get the fire and motivation inside your belly. You are going to get so much momentum.

You will start seeing things happening, things that you never would have expected to happen if you stayed with the normal, average course.

“The universe is conspiring to help you.” – Paulo Coelho

Take for example, Oliver White. He is a fishing guy who, all of a sudden, decided that he wanted to explore rivers and fish that have never been caught by fly fishing before. Not only that, he wanted to teach the local people how to create a sustainable lodge and a fishing industry for themselves. Nobody has ever thought of doing that before! But now, he is featured all over media. People are behind his mission, and he created so much momentum.

There was a time I wanted to raise money for my birthday, so I approached the organizers of a local mansion party. I told them that I wanted them to host this party for me and raise money for charity. They said yes, and it was the biggest party that they had ever thrown, and the most successful for all of us.

As soon as you start thinking unreasonably – outside the box – amazing things start happening for you. While everybody else is competing for the same average slice of pie.

My friend Chase Boehringer just set the world record for highest motorcycle. He had more than 75 people and businesses who sponsored this expedition. He asked them for help, and they were on board. They were excited to support this big, world record project.

How can you start thinking bigger?

If you have been thinking average your whole life, start with this line of thinking:

  • What would I do if I had the support of celebrities, or billionaires, or all my friends?
  • What would I do if I knew that I couldn’t fail?
  • What would I do if somebody gave me a hundred million dollars to make this thing a reality?
  • What would I do if I stopped being reasonable?

It takes some time to change your thinking. It takes time asking the right questions to open your thinking. It’s a creative process. Even then when you come up with a big, exciting, scary, audacious idea, your ego is going to tell you not to do it to try to keep you safe.

The Australians have this thing called “tall poppy syndrome”. It’s going to tell you not to grow above the crowd or you will get chopped off. Keep your head down, work hard, and stay in your lane.

This is backwards thinking – we all know people who work hard for a long time and have anything to show for it. And this used to be me.

So, start changing the questions you are asking to yourself.

What happens if you don’t start taking big and bold actions? You are just going to be right where you are. More and more people are going to try and do the same thing competing for scarce resources, and trying to be average. You are going to lose momentum and run out of steam. Your business is going to hit these plateaus. How long will you be able to sustain that? You are going to be limited by the constraints of being average.

Start being unreasonable. Start practicing thinking outside the box.

Start changing the questions that you ask for yourself so that you can expand the challenges that you can take on. Go from zero to one, as Peter Thiel said in his book. It is creating something from nothing.

Go so big and so new that it gets exciting and people get on board and have a mission, and then use your resourcefulness and see what you are really made of and you are going to experience the full meaning of what it is to be you.

Start changing your questions. Let yourself think bigger. Let yourself know that you can handle it. You can take on big challenges. It is going to be exciting. You have what it takes.


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