
Jon Jandai | Life Can Be So Easy: Farming, Earthen Building, Community, Seed Saving, and more…

"We are an unintentional community" Jon Jandai Jon Jandai is a Thai Farmer,  earthen builder,  seed saver,  teacher.  Philosopher,  father, and community activist. Jon Jandai continuously strives to find more ways communities can be...

Michael and Jamie Thornhill | Plant Teachers, Soul Blueprints, Spirit Teams, and more…

"Plants are here on this planet on purpose, in symbiosis with humans" - Jamie Thornhill Michael and Jamie Thornhill are my guests today on the podcast. Michael is returning for his second appearance and his wife Jamie also joins us! They are the founders of Casa...

Rebecca Rusch | Mountain Biking The Ho Chi Minh Trail – Healing, Empowerment, Evolution, and more…

"The trail is my teacher. My path is clear when I am out there" - Rebecca Rusch When I saw Rebecca Rusch's Emmy-winning film, Blood Road, -about her trip to be the first person to ride the entire 1,200-mile length of the Ho Chi Minh Trail - I instantly felt connected...

Charles Eisenstein | The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible

"Existence is relationships. You become you through your relationships"- Charles Eisenstein Charles Eisenstein articulates more clearly than anyone - what is possible for humanity. He is the author of many books, including The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is...