Garrison Cohen|How to Speak From Your Deepest Level of Authenticity

“What better adventure could you possibly have than speaking WHO you want to BE into existence.” – Garrison Cohen

Today’s guest on the Art of Adventure podcast is the amazing storyteller and master speaker, my friend and returning guest, Garrison Cohen.

Speeches and stories can be judged by the impact they make on their audience. Garrison helps his clients stand on stage and feel the power of their truth – and speak in a way that other people can see and receive that powerful message. Garrison works with CEOs to craft speeches that really capture who they are, why they are doing what they are doing, how they see their work is impacting the world in a positive way.

In this episode, Garrison takes me through part of his process – asking questions, as he digs into better ways that I could tell my origin story. Garrison creates stories with such depth and he also brings a team of so many experts who assist in this story-telling process, which is completely unique. Garrison has created a whole system which can be used not just for speaking but can also be applicable to many entrepreneurs, marketers, and thought leaders.

What you’ll learn in this episode:

  • Garrison’s first public speaking experience.
  • How Garrison created his business.
  • How Garrison’s business is structured around helping people create better stories.
  • How to tap into who you are to effectively convey your personal story.
  • Garrison’s Rocketship system.
  • The skills required and what it takes to be a good speaker


  • “I realized I had the ability to tell someone’s story far better than they ever could.” – Garrison Cohen
  • “It takes all the stepping stones that we’ve traversed in our lives that brings us up to who we are now and illuminate them in a way that allows us to see what our path has been. It allows us to see where we came from, where we are, what got us there, and who life is designing us to be.” – Garrison Cohen
  • “What better adventure could you possibly have than speaking who you want to BE into existence.” – Garrison Cohen
  • “The answer is not to add more things to who you are, but it is about letting go of more things in the way of who you are.” – Garrison Cohen
  • “It’s not about being the best, most proficient speaker in the world. It is about knowing how to speak from the deepest level of authenticity of yourself. And that’s actually what makes some of the best speeches ever.” – Garrison Cohen

Continue the Adventure:

Garrison Cohen

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