by Derek Loudermilk | Nov 13, 2020 | Adventure, Books, Podcast, Science, Travel Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSWhen I encountered a statue of Alexander von Humboldt in my local park and the plaque read “In honor of the most accomplished traveller of this or any...
by Derek Loudermilk | Nov 10, 2020 | Coaching, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Life, Philosophy, Podcast, Psychology Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSToday’s guest in The Derek Loudermilk Show is a good friend of mine, Antesa Jensen. In this episode, we talk about psychological safety and, for...
by Derek Loudermilk | Oct 30, 2020 | Adventure, Books, Life, Philosophy, Podcast, Storytelling, Travel Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSFrancis Tapon is an adventurer, author, and Harvard MBA who’s been to all countries in Africa and also in Eastern Europe. He was on a quest to learn...
by Derek Loudermilk | Oct 29, 2020 | Adventure, Health, Life, Podcast, Psychology, Science, Spirituality, Storytelling Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSDreamtime is one of the most powerful tools I teach my clients for growing their business. Using nightly dreamtime can be your secret weapon to making more...
by Derek Loudermilk | Oct 1, 2020 | Adventure, Careers, Creativity, Digital Nomads, Entrepreneurship, Health, Lifestyle Design, Podcast, Sports, Storytelling, Travel Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSDylan Magaster Today’s guest is the YouTuber Dylan Magaster, who lives on a sailboat he bought, and travel the Mediterranean. Previously Dylan spend 2...