Francis Tapon | The Quest to Visit Every African Country and Bring Back the Best Ideas

Written by Derek Loudermilk

October 30, 2020

Francis Tapon is an adventurer, author, and Harvard MBA who’s been to all countries in Africa and also in Eastern Europe.

He was on a quest to learn what ideas he could bring back to America from these different parts of the world

Francis also climbed the highest mountain in every African continent during his trip and met his wife Rejoice in Western Africa.

What you’ll learn in this episode:

  • What happened on Francis’ multi-year trip around Africa
  • Learn about the laws and borders in Africa
  • What kind of vehicle do you need to drive all over Africa?
  • The story of how Francis got lost with his wife and brother-in-law in the dessert
  • How Francis met his wife in Africa


“We underestimate how hard it was for the explorers in the 19th Century who went to places.” – Francis Tapon

“Wealth is a relative thing. Africa doesn’t feel wealthy to outsiders, but my wife felt rich growing up in Africa”- Francis Tapon

“The thing that hurt Africa’s self-esteem more than anything else is the media; the television.”- Francis Tapon

“You’ll feel blessed [when you visit Africa] because it’s a wonderful place to remind you [of your blessings].”- Francis Tapon

“One thing we can learn from Africa – Africans are super good at forgiving.” – Francis Tapon

“In general, borders [in Africa] had never been easier to travel.” – Francis Tapon

Continue the Adventure

Francis Tapon’s website

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Francis’ YouTube Channel

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