Welcome to another intriguing episode of the Derek Loudermilk Show! In episode 403, we dive deep into the realm of...
Maria Rothenburger | Spirit Baby Communication
"Souls are fully in the body in the final 8 weeks of pregnancy - they are in and out before that" - Maria Rothenburger...
Karl Gruber | Law of Attraction, A Course in Miracles, Power of 8, and more…
"You are the writer, producer, and director of your life" - Karl Gruber Karl Gruber is a friend of mine - another host...
Brandon Bozarth | Integrated Self Inquiry and Unlimited Possibility
"If there is nothing projected into the unknown, it feels like unlimited possibility" - Brandon Bozarth Brandon...
Ditte Young + Derek Loudermilk | What We Learned From Teaching Telepathy to 450 People
Ditte Young is the Europes #1 animal communicator, a TEDx speaker, 4X bestselling author, and my collaborator in...
Sarah Thomas, LAc | Stone Medicine, Land Healing, Monatomic Elements, Crystal Elixirs, and More…
"Shape is important for how energy moves from One-ness into physicality" -Sarah Thomas Sarah Thomas, LAc (and known to...
Bonnie Halper | Building The Internet Behind the Scenes, Mystery Schools, The Real Yoda, The Killer Queen of Orion, and More…
"Do you think tech would have accelerated by leaps and bounds without ET technology?" - Bonnie Halper Bonnie Halper is...
Tom Paladino | Scalar Physics, Healing, Anti-Gravity, Free Energy, Nikola Tesla, and more…
"Scalar energy is a double helix that unbinds to make electromagnetism. Electromagnetism is a derivative of scalar...
Building a New Earth Village Ep. 2 | Asheville, Earth Haven, Land Tours, etc…
"Asheville is full of magic and synchronicity" - Derek Loudermlk This is the second episode in our series documenting...
Jillian Schleger | Power vs. Force, Muscle Testing, Scale of Consciousness, and more…
"We need to be able to trust ourselves - what is a yes and a no for us" Jillian Schleger Jillian Schleger is a healer...
Julie Ryan | Medical Intuitive on Ghosts, Angels, The 12 Phases of Transition, Energy Healing and more…
"Doctors send their patients to me - I'm like a human MRI!" Julie Ryan is a Medical Intuitive, Psychic, Serial...
Stephan Schwartz | Remote Viewing the Years 2050 and 2060, Non-local Consciousness, and a New Species of Humans?
"The most powerful force on earth is the collective intention of humans" - Stephan Schwartz I'm so thrilled to have...
Carlos Tanner | Founder of the Ayahuasca Foundation on the Power of Tradition, Wisdom of the Earth, Interconnectivity of Consciousness, and more…
"I have a lot of faith in the wisdom of the earth"- Carlos Tanner Carlos Tanner is the Founder of the Ayahusca...
Building a New Earth Village | Phase 1 | The Vision, Buying Land, Building a Team, and more…
"We are building a New Earth Community. A village, healing center, and regenerative farm" - Derek Loudermilk This solo...
Debbie Solaris | Galactic Historian | Akashic Records from the Pleiades, Lyra, Orion, Sirius, Vega, Zeta Reticuli, and Earth
"Earth humans have DNA from many different star systems" - Debbie Solaris Debbie Solaris is an ET contactee,...
Michael and Jamie Thornhill | Plant Teachers, Soul Blueprints, Spirit Teams, and more…
"Plants are here on this planet on purpose, in symbiosis with humans" - Jamie Thornhill Michael and Jamie Thornhill...