
Julie Ryan | Medical Intuitive on Ghosts, Angels, The 12 Phases of Transition, Energy Healing and more…

"Doctors send their patients to me - I'm like a human MRI!" Julie Ryan is a Medical Intuitive, Psychic, Serial Entrepreneur, Inventor, Energy Healer, Author, and Host of the Ask Julie Radio Show She can sense what medical conditions and illnesses a person has,...

Elizabeth April | The Galactic Federation, Ascension, Remote Viewing, Rare ET Species, and more…

"You're not dying, you're just waking up" - Elizabeth April I'm so excited to have Elizabeth April on the podcast! When I started having recurring dreams of crop circles and UFO's, Elizabeth April (EA) was one of the first people I found on that explained clearly and...

Rebecca Rusch | Mountain Biking The Ho Chi Minh Trail – Healing, Empowerment, Evolution, and more…

"The trail is my teacher. My path is clear when I am out there" - Rebecca Rusch When I saw Rebecca Rusch's Emmy-winning film, Blood Road, -about her trip to be the first person to ride the entire 1,200-mile length of the Ho Chi Minh Trail - I instantly felt connected...

Charles Eisenstein | The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible

"Existence is relationships. You become you through your relationships"- Charles Eisenstein Charles Eisenstein articulates more clearly than anyone - what is possible for humanity. He is the author of many books, including The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is...