
Johannes Voelkner|Founder of Nomad Cruise, OG Digital Nomad

Today’s guest on the Art of Adventure podcast is the founder of Nomad Cruise, Johannes Voelkner. Johannes started travelling when the term digital nomad did not even exist yet. He is the founder of the very first digital nomads Facebook group that still exists and...

Ashley Wiegand | Using Neurofeedback for Peak Performance

Today’s Interview on the Art of Adventure podcast is part of our series on cutting edge modalities, health metaphysics, and peak performance. Our guest is the founder of the Neurotherapy Center of St. Louis, Dr. Ashley Wiegand. According to Dr. Wiegand, her...

Molly Hurford | The Sponsorship Guide for Athletes, Influencers, and Entrepreneurs

Today’s guest on the Art of Adventure podcast is the author, coach, endurance athlete, and co-host of The Consummate Athlete Podcast, Molly Hurford. Her latest book, the Shred Girls, is a series which encourages young girls to enjoy and be interested in the world...

Ladan Jiracek | The Hero Returns With the Treasure | When Travelers Settle Down

Today’s guest on the Art of Adventure podcast is a friend and fellow travel podcaster, Ladan Jiracek. Ladan hosts the long-time podcast, Travel Wisdom, which brings in guests and discusses how travelling makes you wiser. He has been to more than a hundred countries...