Ditte Young | Telepathy, Animal Communication, Autism, and More…

“I’m a healer, I’m just here to help regardless if it has four legs, two legs, or no legs.” -Ditte Young

Ditte Young is my guest to today – She is know as the #1 animal communicator in Denmark. She is a 4 time author, international horse trainer working with the olympic and grand prix riders, a clairvoyant, a business advisor, and so much more

We were co-authors in Activate Your Life Volume III and I have experienced her clairvoyant spiritual business coaching firsthand.

What you’ll learn in this episode:

  • How Ditte became famous for Telepathy
  • How animal telepathy works
  • Why some Veterinary doctors love and why some hate her
  • How Ditte teaches telepathy
  • Ditte story of being adopted
  • Ditte’s short time in the criminal underworld
  • Why finding love is so difficult
  • How Ditte healed her son’s blindness
  • A new interpretation of Autism


“I’m a healer, I’m just here to help regardless if it has four legs, two legs, or no legs.” -Ditte Young

“Animals are so intelligent – much more than we think they are.” -Ditte Young

“I was attracted to the criminal environment because I had to feel something, the crazier the better.” -Ditte Young

“The More afraid I became, the more my [magical] talents improved” – Ditte Young

“I love dogs and horses because they are such spiritual creatures.” -Ditte Young

“I personally think that these riders are connected with their animals.” -Ditte Young

“I only work with people who are taking telepathic information very seriously.” -Ditte Young

“It is not normal for a horse to be put down at the age of 8 or 11 years old. I’m trying to prevent that.” -Ditte Young

Continue the adventure:

Ditte’s Website

Ditte’s Instagram

Ditte’s Facebook

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