Darin Olien | Superfoods, Sustainability, Sovereignty, Systems, and More

“The more we dissolve our identity, the more we can be free” – Darin Olien

Darin Olien is known as the Indiana Jones of superfoods – today he shows up on this podcast full of passion and fire as he talks about the ways we can be more free, healthy, and vibrant.

Darin is the NYT bestselling author of Superlife and the Co-Host of the popular TV show on Netflix: Down to Earth with Zac Efron

Darin joins me from his yurt on his land in California – where is in in the process of rebuilding his house sustainably, after losing everything in a wildfire – while he was off the grid filming in the Amazon

What you’ll learn in this episode:

  • How Darin is sustainable rebuilding his house and land after everything was destroyed in a wildfire
  • What you need to know about food and products that you eat and put on your body and how they may be slowly killing you – and what you can do about it
  • How he became a superfood hunter and how he has become so wildly successful without trying


“The information [about health and product safety] is there, but they [the government] suppressed it and we’ve gotten used to the system, and that system is largely killing us in some way.” – Darin Olien

“We are nature.” – Darin Olien

“We have to make ourselves ridiculously aware of our individual exposures.” – Darin Olien

“If we are unhealthy, we are unable to do anything.” – Darin Olien

“Being a leader is acting from your heart and from what you know.” – Darin Olien

“When choosing your path, do not ever think about the numbers or the money.” – Darin Olien

“If we are robotic, and living our lives outside our passion and our hearts, it is not a good day to die.” – Darin Olien

“Start saying “yes” to what you want and what you know. Once you say ‘yes’ to that and take action to it, then it opens another set of doors.” – Darin Olien

Continue the Adventure:

Darin Olien’s website

Darin’s Book: SuperLife: The 5 Forces That Will Make You Healthy, Fit, and Eternally Awesome

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/darinolien
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DarinOlien

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/darinolien/

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