When you focus on money you are robbing yourself of 80% of the ways to experience true abundance Our definition of...
Money is an Energy Current | 5 Levels of Abundance Part 4
When you focus on money you are robbing yourself of 80% of the ways to experience true abundance Abundance is “the...
The Reciprocity of Life | 5 Levels of Abundance Part 3: Giving and Receiving
When you focus on money you are robbing yourself of 80% of the ways to experience true abundance Abundance is “the...
How To Come Up With A Million Dollar Idea – The Rules Of Brainstorming
So you want to be a millionaire? Besides all of the other stuff you need to do like work hard, get opportunities, be...
Simplify Your Writing To Connect With People: “Mind-Ready” Communication
Psychologists find that updates on Facebook are 1.4 times more memorable than sentences in books. 86.4 percent of...
Enhance Your Charisma With The Principles Of Improv
When learning how to become more charismatic, it is often suggested to learn a martial art, or tango, or do improv...
Build Your Empire — Goals Achieved While-U-Wait
When you have a dream, especially if it is a big dream, one of the biggest challenges is feeling confident you can...
Saying Yes! Or No, Maybe
As a busy grad student and entrepreneur, I often struggle with when to say Yes and No to things. Saying No to things...
Personal Awesomeness And The Scientific Method
What is the simple, proven method for improving any aspect of your life? The Scientific Method! As a scientist, I am...
Build Instant Rapport through Travel
I want to share a little trick I have learned in my travels. Â When you are traveling, you meet a lot of people and...
Let Your Inner Child Help You Find Your Dream Job
I have been reading Mastery by Robert Greene, which focuses on the idea "How to become really good at...
The Joy and Benefit of Learning Names Quickly
One day, at the first bike shop I worked at, a customer learned my name and used it in a friendly manner. This took me...
Dressing for Success? The Conundrum of a Loud Dresser
Here is a question I have been thinking about recently, which I would pose to all of you: How do you balance your own...
Halloween in St. Louis: Creating Comedians and Social Scientists
I grew up in St. Louis, MO. Â On Halloween it was essential to have three things: your costume, your pillowcase for...
The Power of the High Five
I learned to High Five a few years back. Â I always knew what the high five (or down low, too slow) was, but it wasn't...
How To Talk Your Way Into Grad School
Here is my story about getting into grad school — specifically a Ph.D. Program in extreme microbiology at Montana...