Lifestyle Design

Ladan Jiracek | The Hero Returns With the Treasure | When Travelers Settle Down

Today’s guest on the Art of Adventure podcast is a friend and fellow travel podcaster, Ladan Jiracek. Ladan hosts the long-time podcast, Travel Wisdom, which brings in guests and discusses how travelling makes you wiser. He has been to more than a hundred countries...

Tamara Jacobi | The Life of a Wildpreneur | Founder of the Tailwind Jungle Lodge

I'm super excited to have Tamara Jacobi on the podcast today to talk about her new book, life, and business - running an eco lodge in the Mexican Jungle Tamara and I met more than a decade ago in Colorado, and we have been following each other's life and business...

Can You Make a Reality Distortion Field Like Steve Jobs?| Five-Minute Friday

In this Friday’s episode, we are going to talk about Steve Jobs' reality distortion field and how you can have one too. I just finished reading Walter Isaacson's biography of Steve Jobs and there is a lot in there about the latter’s reality distortion field. Jobs used...

Dealing with Fear | Five Minute Friday

Today’s episode of the Five-Minute Friday is for those who are trying to do something big and exciting in the world. Often, I encounter people who are running in to fear when they are deciding to do something big. When they commit to do a project, fear sets in. It...