Welcome to another intriguing episode of the Derek Loudermilk Show! In episode 403, we dive deep into the realm of...

Welcome to another intriguing episode of the Derek Loudermilk Show! In episode 403, we dive deep into the realm of...
"You are the writer, producer, and director of your life" - Karl Gruber Karl Gruber is a friend of mine - another host...
"A miracle is created by a shift in perspective" - Monica Laurence Today's episode features my good friend, Monica...
"You can be alone in nature and still networking" - Gil Petersil Gil Petersil is a global leader in the world of...
"Every negatively polarized being has a positively polarized higher self" - Aaron Abke One of our most popular guests,...
"Do you think tech would have accelerated by leaps and bounds without ET technology?" - Bonnie Halper Bonnie Halper is...
"We need to be able to trust ourselves - what is a yes and a no for us" Jillian Schleger Jillian Schleger is a healer...
"Doctors send their patients to me - I'm like a human MRI!" Julie Ryan is a Medical Intuitive, Psychic, Serial...
"You're not dying, you're just waking up" - Elizabeth April I'm so excited to have Elizabeth April on the podcast!...
"The trail is my teacher. My path is clear when I am out there" - Rebecca Rusch When I saw Rebecca Rusch's...
"Existence is relationships. You become you through your relationships"- Charles Eisenstein Charles Eisenstein...
"All working free energy devices are toroidal in nature" - Foster Gamble Foster Gamble is the creator of the Thrive...
"Anything showing up in your life is For You" - Bethany Londyn Bethany Londyn is a Serial Entrepreneur, Master Healer,...
"Our way doesn't take more manpower, it is more eyes per acre on the food we produce" - Joel Salatin Joel Salatin is...
"I'm a healer, I'm just here to help regardless if it has four legs, two legs, or no legs." -Ditte Young Ditte Young...
As part of my annual review process each year, I go through my reading notes and pick the very best books I read each...
"One of the things I learned is how reckless people with enormous sums are." -Eliot Brown Eliot Brown is the author of...
"Your luck is always derived from the number of attempts that you undertook." -Sergey Young Sergey Young views aging...