"After a fever, if you haven't suppressed it, your child will start doing something new" Lauren Vaknine Today we're...

"After a fever, if you haven't suppressed it, your child will start doing something new" Lauren Vaknine Today we're...
"There is a non-physical planning center designed to accommodate everyone's desires" - Brendan Murphy In this episode...
"Souls are fully in the body in the final 8 weeks of pregnancy - they are in and out before that" - Maria Rothenburger...
"A miracle is created by a shift in perspective" - Monica Laurence Today's episode features my good friend, Monica...
"Do you think tech would have accelerated by leaps and bounds without ET technology?" - Bonnie Halper Bonnie Halper is...
"We need to be able to trust ourselves - what is a yes and a no for us" Jillian Schleger Jillian Schleger is a healer...
"Doctors send their patients to me - I'm like a human MRI!" Julie Ryan is a Medical Intuitive, Psychic, Serial...
"The most powerful force on earth is the collective intention of humans" - Stephan Schwartz I'm so thrilled to have...
"Virtue is a restraint of harmful actions and words" - Rabbi Finley Rabbi Mordecai Finley, PhD is the worlds only...
"I have a lot of faith in the wisdom of the earth"- Carlos Tanner Carlos Tanner is the Founder of the Ayahusca...
"The trail is my teacher. My path is clear when I am out there" - Rebecca Rusch When I saw Rebecca Rusch's...
"We have announced the cause and the cure for cancer" - Dr. Robert Young My Guest today is Dr Robert O. Young, PhD....
"All working free energy devices are toroidal in nature" - Foster Gamble Foster Gamble is the creator of the Thrive...
"Memories are not stored in the brain" - Eben Alexander Dr. Eben Alexander spent over 25 years as an academic...
"Learn to put yourself up without putting other people down" - Loretta Breuning Loretta Breuning PhD, is founder of...
As part of my annual review process each year, I go through my reading notes and pick the very best books I read each...
"You often get a wonderful, joyous feeling after going into the crop circles" - Lucy Pringle Lucy Pringle is one of...
"One of the things I learned is how reckless people with enormous sums are." -Eliot Brown Eliot Brown is the author of...