"Imagine a 500-year-old tower of mud...Yemen has the worlds oldest sky scrapers" - Boris Kester In Episode 406 of The...

"Imagine a 500-year-old tower of mud...Yemen has the worlds oldest sky scrapers" - Boris Kester In Episode 406 of The...
"After a fever, if you haven't suppressed it, your child will start doing something new" Lauren Vaknine Today we're...
"There is a non-physical planning center designed to accommodate everyone's desires" - Brendan Murphy In this episode...
"Souls are fully in the body in the final 8 weeks of pregnancy - they are in and out before that" - Maria Rothenburger...
"A miracle is created by a shift in perspective" - Monica Laurence Today's episode features my good friend, Monica...
"The greatest power in the world is inside us" - Bruce Cryer Bruce Cryer has been called a renaissance...
"You can be alone in nature and still networking" - Gil Petersil Gil Petersil is a global leader in the world of...
"Do you think tech would have accelerated by leaps and bounds without ET technology?" - Bonnie Halper Bonnie Halper is...
"Love is effervescent - the more you use it the more it grows! Love is always available to you, you just need to touch...
"We are an unintentional community" Jon Jandai Jon Jandai is a Thai Farmer, earthen builder, seed...
"The trail is my teacher. My path is clear when I am out there" - Rebecca Rusch When I saw Rebecca Rusch's...
"Existence is relationships. You become you through your relationships"- Charles Eisenstein Charles Eisenstein...
"All working free energy devices are toroidal in nature" - Foster Gamble Foster Gamble is the creator of the Thrive...
"Material Reality is a Byproduct of Consciousness" - Derek Loudermilk Since 2015, I have traveled all over the world...
"On my adventures, I've noticed the less material possessions people have, the more kindness and smiles they extend to...
"Internalizing peak states lets you start to see magical doorways" - Tyler Ellison Tyler Ellison is a channeler,...
"Learn to put yourself up without putting other people down" - Loretta Breuning Loretta Breuning PhD, is founder of...
"For me to witness myself holding it together through fear - I bring that with me to the rest of my life" - Tom...