This is the sixth year I have published my annual review and goals for the upcoming year. If you are curious about how I have honed the process, here are the yearly reviews for 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and the goals setting posts for 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017. This annual review process is inspired by Chris Guillebeau who has been publishing his annual reviews for several years and has a free spreadsheet for you to download and do you own review.
Other posts in the 2019 review Series
- Top 10 Books of 2019
- 2020 Goals and Projects
2019 Highlights
- Bought a house and settled in St. Louis
- Lived 3 months in Portugal
- Activate Your Life Volume II was a #1 international bestseller
- Book deal for Experience The Revolution
I scaled back several of my objectives this year due to increased parenting demands.
- Had to postpone Morocco AdventureQuest to October 2020
- Mouse infestation at our Airbnb
- Cancelled living in Romania
- Only single digit business growth, low social media and podcast growth
- Only did 1 bucket list item
- Activate Your Life Volume II was a #1 international bestseller
- Successful Publishizer campaign (500 Preorders) and 5 figure book contract with Wiley for Experience the Revolution
- Superconductors Audiobook released
- Huge client successes this year:
- Clients generated more than $40,000,000 in business
- Became Bestselling authors
- Passed 50K followers on instagram
- Hosting their first retreat abroad
- Featured on national TV
- Won a national business award
- Hired Personal Assistant
- Marketing Intern
- Podcast: New Series on Alternative Modalities for peak performance/healing: Hypnosis, Neurofeedback, Crystal Resonance Therapy, Astrogeography, Lucid Dreaming
- Created and Launched the Strategic Relationships Course

- Won 2 bike races, 2nd place in CX state championship
- 32 race days
- 10,000 + KM ridden
- Two X 3 day water fast
- 1 month gluten and sugar free
- 200 Km birthday ride
- Set up indoor bike trainer under my desk to use while I work

This was a fairly light year for us compared to the last few in terms of travel days and countries visited. With 2 kids, we are starting to slow down.
- Lived 3 months in Portugal
- Visited the Algarve, Portugal
- Visited Sevilla, Spain
- Explored Obidos, Portugal
- Cycled 200km for my birthday
- Explored caves in Portugal
- Visited Boulder, Colorado
- Hosted guests in Portugal and STL for 24 days total
- Visited San Diego, CA
- Visited the Appalachian mountains of East Tennessee

Here are the list of coaches, courses, and books that I studied and learned from in 2019
- Jim Fortin‘s Transformational Coaching Program (TCP)
- Jim Fortin’s Sales Psychology Academy (SPA)
- 6 months presence process + relationship uncoaching
- Business Mastermind Retreat in San Diego
- Akashic Records
- 63 Books read (Here are the top 10 books I read in 2019)
- Learned the Bengston Method Hands on Healing
- Vogel Quartz Healing method
- Quantum Physics and Multi Dimensional reality (mostly from
- Visual Voice Coaching
- Listened to 600+ hours of podcasts (Top Pick: Human Experience Podcast)
- EFT tapping
Physical surroundings and possessions
- Bought a new house, 108 years old in St. Louis, MO
- Building a Crystal Collection
- New Macbook Air Laptop
- GoPro Hero 7
- Hand-painted bicycle wheels by a local grafitti artist
- Sleek modern Kitchen Table
- Home office with Library and Pakistani rugs
- Non-ordinary states of reality: breath-work, magic mushrooms, meditation, dreamwork
- Created my first crystal grid
- AirBNB was highly profitable
- Bought a new house using equity from our Airbnb
- Coaching business created 50% of my income