2019 Goals and Plans

Written by Derek Loudermilk

January 10, 2019


Welcome to the 2019 annual goal setting blog post where I share my biggest goals for the coming year! This annual review process is inspired by author Chris Guillebeau who has been publishing his annual reviews for several years. This year I am also using Orian Marx’ Lifecrafting Annual Review.

Other posts in the 2018 Annual Review Series:

I love planning and dreaming about the future. It’s fun to think of the cool things you can accomplish. It’s great to set these goals and put strong efforts toward achieving them. On the other hand, the most important parts of my past year were completely unpredictable when planning. It’s a goal in and of itself to maintain the flexibility to take advantage of opportunities when they present themselves.

I like to give a general theme to each year, something I learned from Ramit Sethi. I’m calling 2019 The Year Of   .

This is the fourth year I have published my annual review and goals for the upcoming year. If you are curious about how I have honed the process, here are the yearly reviews for 2013201420152016, 2017 and the goals setting posts for 20132014201520162017, and 2018.

I try to find goals in all different areas of life and not just focus on the work or financial goals. I’ve stolen some designations from Tony Robbins: physical, emotional, relationships, time, financial, work, and spirituality; and added a couple more of my own: adventure and education.

There are different types of goals and new years resolutions. One is the project goal or finite achievement goal compared to habit goals. There are short, medium, and long term goals. Your yearly goals should fit in to your five year, ten year, and life goals. Some goals are easily measurable, and other are more subjective. All of the goals I am including are directly measurable or have measurable components (and may result in other unmeasurable benefits).

This year I will be incorporating a few specific values, as well as the standardized, measurable goals. The values are: solidifying quality habits, leverage, think bigger, slow down to speed up, family outside time,

It might be risky to share goals publicly. Some folks say that if you share your goals publicly then you risk humiliation when you do not achieve them, thereby forcing you to complete them.  On the other hand, in his TED talk, Derek Sivers says you are more likely to achieve your goals if you keep them to yourself! So because I am sharing these with you, I need you to get on my case if I am not working my butt off towards these!

What makes a good goal? The S.M.A.R.T. acronym is a great way to assess your quality of your goals:
S – Specific

M – Measurable

A – Achievable

R – Realistic

T – Timely, tangible, trackable

My friend Nik Wood always says” How will you know when you have won?” Nobody but you is giving you the finish lines in your life – figure them out before you start.


2019 Goals:


  1. Record and launch first video course (Peak Confidence)
  2. Launch Academy of Superconductors membership community
  3. 5 figure + Publishing contract for my next book – Experience The Revolution
  4. AdventureQuest Morocco in October (MorOcotober!)
  5. 100K+ followers across all social media channels + podcast (currently at 18K)
  6. Make Air BNB house profitable for the entire year in just 6 months of rental ($18 K USD +)
  7. Update and relaunch Derekloudermilk.com
  8. Partner with a long term podcast sponsor
  9. Give workshops/talks in coworking spaces and corporations as I travel
  10. Build out team: General manager, marketing and funnels, video, podcasting, and social media positions


  1. Continue with weekly 52+ health experts (started in 2018)
  2. Complete two cycles of fasting or fast-mimicking diet (5 days +)
  3. Play frisbee in Europe
  4. Cycle 5000+ miles


  1. Attend a workshop with Dr. Joe DiSpenza


  1. Set up systems for deepening and broadening my network
  2. Build board of directors for G4 summit
  3. Solidify the Art of Adventure team: General manager, social media, and marketing staff
  4. Travel with an au pair


  1. Voice Coaching

Self Expression

  1. Have a bicycle hand painted/shoes/helmet/Wheels
  2. Paint the front steps of my house

Physical Environment/Stuff

  1. Mac Book Pro
  2. Track Bicycle for Velodrome racing
  3. Halo Training headset
  4. GoPro camera for adventures
  5. Mavic Drone
  6. Cycling power meter


  1. Hire a personal assistant to do my unwanted chores 10 hours/week


  1. $500,000+ in revenue


  1. Host AdventureQuest in Morocco in October
  2. Live abroad in Europe for 6+ months (Portugal, Romania, Albania, Slovenia)
  3. Visit 3+ new countries
  4. Attend ATTA event in Sweden in September

Bucket List

  1. Fly a Drone
  2. Hand Painted Bicycle
  3. Shoot a flaming arrow to light a fire
  4. Run alongside riders at the Tour de France
  5. SCUBA dive in Iceland between tectonic plates

Long Term Goals:

  1. Host an annual conference to solve global problems like Bill Clinton’s Global Initiative, TED, and Singularity University
  2. Start an adventure movement/community/charity with mentorship and scholarships
  3. Trek through the Sahara and recreate Paolo Coelho’s Alchemist and make a documentary
  4. Own a professional cycling team
  5. Bridge the gap between science and spirituality

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